This code of discipline is prepared for the maximum benefit of participants in a practical way.
1. The participant will have to stay on for the full duration of the course
2. The participants will work seriously as per the instructions. If you are not serious, not
only you waste your time but also you start disturbing others.
3. The Participants will undertake three refuges in the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha
4. The Participants will observe 10 precepts
- Abstention from killing
- Abstention from stealing
- Abstention from all sexual activities
- Abstention from telling lies
- Abstention from all intoxicants
- Abstention from taking food after 12 noon
- Abstention from sensual amusements, dance, songs, music etc
- Abstention from bodily decoration, scents, etc.
- Abstention from using high and luxurious beds and seats
- Abstention from using money, silver/gold
5. Acceptance of the teacher and the teaching: For the period of the course the participant
must surrender completely to the Teacher and the teachings, instructions, rules, code of
discipline and course timetable. This surrender should be with understanding, not with
any blind faith. Such confidence in the Teacher is essential for the speedy understanding
of Dhamma and progress.
6. Rites, rituals and other meditations: For the period of the course it is absolutely
essential that all rites and rituals, worshiping deities, yogic practices etc should be strictly
7. Silence: For getting maximum benefit of the course, silence must be strictly observed.
However, participants can speak only with the teacher and responsible monk or manager
for any needs concerning accommodation, food, etc. Even gestures, written notes, sign
language etc are prohibited. Don’t discuss even Dhamma and meditation matters.
8. Valuables: Please don’t bring any valuables. If you bring any valuables, please deposit
them in the office before the course begins and collect at the end of the course. This is
also a precept of the course, i.e. not to keep any money, or gold etc.
9. Don’t use radio/transistor, tape, audio players, Mobile phones, etc. Deposit them in the
office before the course begins.
10. Smoking and chewing tobacco are strictly not allowed during the course.
11. Keep the premises clean and use respectfully all the things available.
12. Please be five minutes earlier at the meditation hall and for meditation and chanting.
13. Outside contacts are prohibited. Don’t use mobile phones or talk with outside people. For
any needs only contact the in-charge monk or manager.
14. No writing or reading materials, books or anything should be brought. If you have
brought them please don’t use them.
15. Don’t use cameras till the end of the course. However, you can take pictures on the last
day, which will be informed to you.
16. There is absolutely no charge for this course as it is conducted by the generous donations
of other people. However, at the end of the course you may donate any amount to the
Mahabodhi Meditation Center which runs meditation retreats.
17. Please bear in the mind that it is meditation course, following the life of simplicity and
meditation. If you don’t understand certain disciplinary rules please get clarified. The
accommodation, food and facilities are simple. If you feel any discomfort remember
about renunciation, the way the Buddha himself spent his life in forests, under trees with
just minimal needs. Feel happy that you have got this opportunity.
18. Feel happy that you have these facilities. Feel happy that you have an eminent teacher to
teach out of compassion. Feel happy that you are developing the paramis. Feel happy that
you are sowing the seeds of Dhamma deeply in your life. Keeping all these aspects in
mind maintain calmness, equanimity and enjoy every moment of the course.
Your participation will be confirmed and communicated to you. Only when confirmed you
are requested to come.
After careful reading of the above rules and regulations if you are clear and interested kindly fill up
the application form and send to us.